Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Impending Downfall

Akan tiba suatu fasa dalam hidup kita akan rasa “hopeless” dan kosong, terutama bila dilanda detik2 akhir perpisahan.

Penantian yang selama ni kita sangka sudah berakhir, impian sederhana ketika melabuhkan tirai mata buat kali terakhir, kita mahu tenang dia ada disamping buat detik2 tersisa. Rupanya hanyalah suatu episod panjang yang akan terhenti, dan episod lain yang akan bermula.

 Letih menongkah ekspektasi dunia yang sentiasa berubah mengikut deras arus globalisasi. Seluas 7 samudera yang airnya hanya menambah dahaga kepada pelayar kerdil. Ah, alangkah mudahnya jika jasad lemas dan hancur luluh oleh tekanan laut dalam, bersemadi di perkuburan terbesar bumi bersama2 zarah para leluhur terdahulu.

Namun ketika lewat hari baru, mata terbuka, hati sentiasa menepis bisikan2 naluri, membenam rasa jauh ke lubuk sanubari, derapan langkah menyemai bakti kepada masyarakat dan berharap permata kecil sentiasa bahagia dalam jagaan Allah..

Saturday, December 21, 2024

"The Lost Years"

We all have friends. Good friends, best friend/s, roommates, or housemates.

Have it occur to you, where a person who used to share our laughter, troubles, and sadness suddenly became a stranger and totally different than how they used to be? The way they talk, the way they walk, it's like, "Who is this person? I couldn't recognize them at all!"

If you have experienced the situation state above, then congratulations, you are probably old.

The fact that people come and go in our life like a linear line with multiple tangents. Even our love one will go someday, either you leave them or they leave you.

Some time you wonder if they are people like you; who also had existential crisis. You want to share your stories but not close enough to met them. Chances are, there are multiple paralel line who never meant to meet each other. Through poems, rhyme and verse, they let others know their stories across different timeline.

On the contrary of what people think about asymptotes line being the saddest love story, I think of asymptotes as near miss incident. I remember the speech from the resistance leader Yahya Sinwar, who quote from Sayyidina Ali R.A: “There are 2 days in a person's life: a day when death is not your destiny, and a day when death is your destiny. On the first day, no one can harm you, and on the second day, no one can save you."

Math teach us the hard truth about life. Now let’s pretend that we don’t know any of this and live our life as usual. Long live Palestine! 🇵🇸

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Kejahatan Syaitan

Diceritakan, suatu ketika dahulu ada 3 orang pemuda selesai berguru ilmu persilatan dengan seorang syeikh. Kini tibalah saatnya mereka merantau keluar. Sebelum pergi, gurunya sempat berpesan,
"Berhati-hatilah kamu ketika melalui sebuah bukit yang diatasnya ada sebatang pohon tunggal yang sangat besar. Di sana tinggalnya seekor syaitan yang jahat! Hendaklah kamu meneruskan perjalanan dan jangan berhenti."
Mereka pun berjalan, berapa hari kemudian akhirnya mereka tiba di kaki bukit yang dimaksudkan. Dek perasaan ingin tahu, pemuda yang paling tua diantara mereka memujuk,
"Marilah kita pergi melihatnya. Jika benar syaitan itu wujud, dengan ilmu persilatan kita pasti dapat membunuhnya!"
Kedua-dua pemuda pun menurut. Sesampainya di puncak bukit, alangkah terperanjatnya mereka apabila melihat bongkah-bongkah emas yang berkilauan. Mereka mencari-cari kalau ada syaitan yang dimaksudkan untuk membunuhnya, tetapi hampa.

Akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk membawa semua bongkah emas bersama sebelum meneruskan perjalanan. Oleh kerana tiada peralatan untuk mengangkutnya, mereka mengundi supaya salah seorang diantaranya tinggal dan mengawasi harta mereka manakala 2 orang lagi masing-masing pergi membeli peralatan dan bekalan makanan.

Dalam perjalanan membeli peralatan, pemuda kedua memikirkan helah bagaimana caranya untuk membolot kesemua harta tersebut buat dirinya. Akhirnya dia pun nekad untuk membunuh kedua-dua saudara dengan peralatan yang dibelinya.

Manakala pemuda ketiga juga berfikir demikian.
"Aku akan meracuni bekalan makanan dan minuman saudara-saudaraku. Setelah mereka mati harta tersebut hanya milikku!" getus hatinya.
Sementara itu pemuda yang pertama enak dibuai angan-angan sehingga akhirnya terlena.

Sampainya pemuda kedua diatas bukit, dia melihat pemuda pertama sedang nyenyak diulit mimpi. Tanpa membuang masa, dia menetak tengkuk pemuda yang sedang tidur sehingga mati. Kemudian menyorokkan mayatnya sambil menunggu pemuda yang terakhir. Setelah sampainya pemuda ketiga,
beliau pun ditetak hingga putus batang lehernya.
"Akhirnya kesemua bongkah emas ini menjadi milikku!"
kata pemuda tersebut sambil kelelahan kerana menanam mayat saudara-saudaranya.

Setelah selesai, dia pun duduk dan perutnya mulai terasa lapar. Lantas dia mengambil makanan didalam guni yang dibeli saudaranya dan makan dengan lahap sekali. Akhirnya dia pun mati serta merta.


*moral? fikirlah sendiri...

Thursday, August 20, 2015

This is... Arts.

Salam 'Alayk.

My tutor once said, "you should have take art course". Shocked by her comment, I only gaze on her while my mind trying to interpret the sentence.

She realize I'm in daydreaming-stance. Then she smile and said, "Medic is all about arts; the moment you begin the anamnesis on the patients until they are discharged, is depends on your knowledge." "In UK, the doctors tends to diagnose by using USG, CT's, and X-ray to make sure nothing is missed. Meanwhile here in Indonesia, we don't have such luxury budget which leads us to carefully rule out the unlikely. Never be afraid of having several differential diagnosis because we're doctors not God. We cannot gamble on patients life."

It was only a time she ever tutoring us, but we'll remember the lesson. Yes, her name is derived from word "semi-arts" (a title held by future doctors in Dutch).

p/s: struggle is ended, suffering is not.


Situasi 1 :
Sewaktu menunggu giliran memperbaharui KP di JPN Johor Bahru, aku terlihat kelibat seseorang yang aku kenal. Lalu aku mendekatinya dan menyapa...

Aku : Salam. Eh, Rashid. Lama tak nampak. Kau apa cerita sekarang?
(nota: aku sangat kenal Si Rashid ni)

Rashid : Err, kita kenal ke?

Aku : ...

Situasi 2 :
Ketika membelek-belek laman 'facebook', aku ternampak rakan sekelas ketika sekolah rendah. Lantas aku menekan butang 'add' dan menyapa melalui pesanan...

Aku : Hey, Avinash! You were from SKTU 2 in 1995 - 2001, right? I'm your classmates in 4 Hamka, and we sat in 1 group along with Diana and Alif. How are you? It's been a long time.. =)

(Selang 1 hari kemudian, beliau membalas...)

Aviansh : Hey, what's up? I'm fine man. Yeah, I am but sorry... I didn't remember you.

Aku : ...

Situasi 3, 4, 5 dan seterusnya juga lebih kurang. Aku seorang...Ninja.

"tak penting pun orang ingat kita atau tidak, yang penting memori yang ada kita jaga dan hargai"


*apa-apa perkara hebat kita lakukan hari ini suatu hari kelak orang akan menganggap biasa. Jangan mahu diri didefinisikan sebagai apa yang kita punya.

"It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you" - Bruce Wayne

"If I am what I have, and I lose what I have, who then am I? - Erich Fromm


Hidup ini ditentukan oleh pilihan. Seringkali kita dihadapkan dengan pilihan yang mana menjadi seorang yang "atas pagar" bukanlah pilihan mudah.

Ironinya bila kita menyokong sesuatu argumentasi dilontarkan oleh suatu pihak (puak A) kerana argumentasinya yang munasabah dan masuk akal, kita digelar pro-"puak A" oleh pihak yang lain (puak B). Dan apabila kita memihak kepada argumentasi puak B dalam isu berbeza pula, kita digelar pro-"puak B" oleh puak A tadi.

Kelakar.. Kita ni sokong orang yang berkata atau hujahnya? Posisi kita seolah-olah adalah musuh kedua pihak tersebut. Bak kata pepatah "Ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak", Nak kemam sampai bila?

Sedih bila melihat orang terlalu taksub sehingga tak dapat lagi membezakan hitam dengan putih.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What a Day

"When you walk on a street in JB, you'll find serious face everywhere. But once you greet them with a smile, they'll smiling back at you." :)

The other day I was walking to the hardware store, there was this 'auntie' walking on the same street. I had no idea she was going to the same store, so I unintentionally followed her along the street.

It was a hot day after the rain so I walk fairly fast to avoid the heat. When I was going to pass her, suddenly she held her handbag tightly and walk even faster. I was like... "What just happened?"

When we arrived at the store (she stepped in by mere seconds before me), she looked back at me and looks relieved. Then without further adieu I asked the 'taukeh' if he sells outflow hose for washing machine and showed him the sample size I need (which I bring the broken one from home).

After the employee get what I need, I go to the counter to make a payment. The auntie from earlier queue a few couple behind stare at me. When she saw the hose, she said to the 'taukeh', "eh, here also sells washing machine hose ar? I want like that one please (pointing at the hose I held)". The taukeh reply, "Can, later I bring la. With all these appliances you angkat, macam mana you mau angkat lagi? Haiya.."

Upon this, the customers who heard the 'taukeh' broke smile. Some laugh. Yes, the serious face of Johorean can be break by the 'bahasa rojak' which in my opinion is the lighter form of English and could be use to reduce the tension and gap between us.

Before went out, I look at the auntie and smile. The other customer smile and shook his head for the scene he just saw. Then she smiled back at me and blushing.

The End

"Sometimes, all we need is the Ice breaking. Break the wall that separate us. Get rid of prejudice and all good things will follow"

Friday, June 20, 2014

Expired, Overstayed

...hanya itulah kata2 yang sesuai utk saat ini. melihat sahabat2 lain bergembira bergraduasi.
"ah, tak lama lagi aku juga bakal menyusul"
entah kenapa kata2 yang seharusnya beri semangat dan motivasi, akhir2 ini sering aku pandang sebagai 'rasionalisasi'. seolah2 ada kata yang membisikkan
"heh, alasan saja itu semua. saja nak sedapkan hati sendiri"
"No matter how fast, light will always find darkness ahead. And it will never stop travelling through time and space.
So if you can hear my voice, please find me and shine my soul to the deepest core. 
There I stood in open darkness, as the sound echoing back. How can the light reach me when I'm the one who is photophoebic? And how will it hear my voice when voice itself travel slower than the light? 
 There I stoned, amazed of how stupid I could be...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013