Friday, April 17, 2009

Recover & Regenerate

I foresaw what will happen today, but I still can do nothing but watch it happen again (for real)... I guess there is something not necessary to be explained neither by emotion nor article...

Just need some time to recover my wound & regenerate my spirit...

By the way, here is some interesting blogs... Consists of Medical, Finance, Politics, and Journal (myb...)
Check this out!

Nik Amin and a lil' bit controversional blog, Afham

p/s : sorry for this lame post!


Unknown said...

hoho.takpe.lain kali mesti lagi best.hoho.lepas kamu da ok.hoho.cepat kembalikan sinbad lamaku.lalala.

Orthobots said...

recover ang regenerate..
bunyi mcm cicak je..

Unknown said...

er.macam nama batch korang pun ada.ngee.

Anonymous said...

hi there..
sepertinya kemaren ada yg nyasar di blog c deh, n ninggalain comment tp dihapus lagi...he3..knp?'s nevermind..
anyway.. thx udah mampir.. ^_^
oia, kok blog ini ga update lagi?pdhl isinya bagus2, i guess

mohd afham said...

recover n regenerate...
btl la mcm reptile

takpun mcm cheerleader dlm citer heroes